
Please send a Letter to the Editor. Readers are encouraged to not only write in with opinions for the hard copy of Lavender, but to respond specifically to those letters printed on the web site. We welcome everyone's opinions and participation in ongoing dialogue regarding our community. Priority will be given to letters that refer to material previously published in Lavender. Write to [email protected]

Letters to the Editor are subject to editing for grammar, punctuation, space, and libel. They should be no more than 300 words. You can submit a letter by email through the form below or by writing to:

Lavender Magazine
Letter to the Editor
5100 Eden Ave, Suite 107
Edina, MN 55436

Letters sent via snail mail should include name, address, and daytime telephone number. Unsigned letters will not be published.

5100 Eden Ave., Suite 107
Edina, MN 55436

[email protected]
Office 612-436-4660
Subscriptions 612-436-4660
Distribution 612-436-4660
Advertising 612-436-4660


Managing Editor
Noah Mitchell 612-461-8723

Editorial Assistant
Linda Raines 612-436-4694

Editor Emeritus
Ethan Boatner

Lakey Bridge, E.B. Boatner, Buer Carlie, Natasha DeLion, Alyssa Homeier, Terrance Griep, Elise Maren, Jen Peebles-Hampton, Linda Raines, Alexander Reed, Madison Roth, Gregg Shapiro, Randy Stern, Susan Swavely, Carla Waldemar, Todd P. Walker, Emma Walytka, Spencer White


Sales & Advertising Director
Barry Leavitt 612-436-4690

Account Executives
Nathan Johnson 612-436-4695
Richard Kranz 612-436-4675

Ad Listings Representative
Mackenzie Shaw 612-436-4672

Sales & Event Administration
Linda Raines 612-436-4660

Advertising Associate
George Holdgrafer 612-436-4672

National Sales Representative
Motivate Media, Inc. 858-272-9023
Rivendell Media 212-242-6863


Creative/Digital Director
Mike Hnida 612-436-4679


Lavender Media, Inc.

President & CEO
Stephen Rocheford 612-436-4665

Chief Financial Officer
Doug Starkebaum 612-436-4664

Administrative Assistant
Michael Winikoff 612-436-4660

Distribution Manager
Metro Periodical Partners 612-281-3249


Steven W. Anderson (1954-1994)
Timothy J. Lee (1968-2002)
Russell Berg (1957-2005)
Kathryn Rocheford (1914-2006)
Jonathan Halverson (1974-2010)
Adam Houghtaling (1984-2012)
Walker Pearce (1946-2013)
Tim Campbell (1939-2015)
John Townsend (1959-2019)
George Holdgrafer (1951-2024)


George Holdgrafer • Stephen Rocheford

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5100 Eden Ave, Suite 107 • Edina, MN 55436
©2025 Lavender Media, Inc.

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