Open Arms Extends Giving Hands to LGBTQ+ Seniors

Photo courtesy of Amy Anderson, Amy Anderson Photography
Photo courtesy of Amy Anderson, Amy Anderson Photography

In 1986, a generous Minnesota man named Bill Rowe decided to extend his acts of kindness toward his neighbors. Rowe gifted his community with warm, fresh meals for those affected by AIDS and unable to cook for themselves.

Rowe’s Legacy

Thirty-seven years later, Rowe’s legacy thrives and benefits the community. The same principle Rowe started the foundation guides the organization to this day.

Today, Open Arms operates out of offices in Minneapolis and St. Paul that prepares, cooks, and packages millions of meals for the individuals facing life threatening illnesses.


Rowe’s charity initially catered to those living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. Still, the organization expanded, and now, Open Arms leaned into its name and unfurled its arms to serve people living with cancer, COPD, MS, ALS, CHF, and ESRD.

This organization differs from other meal assistance programs since you don’t need to prove income to receive fresh meals. Thanks to this unique rule, Open Arms has distributed more than 12 million meals to Minnesotans in need of medically-tailored meals.

Medically Tailored Meals

Open Arms knows that living with a medical condition can cause stress and discomfort, especially when it comes to meal planning and food restrictions. To ease that burden and tension surrounding eating and receiving adequate nutrition, the organization strives to reduce worry by concocting medically tailored meals that meet the nutritional needs of each individual recipient.

Since Open Arms works with patients who may be experiencing financial distress, chefs, volunteers, and supporters ensure the clients and their love ones receive fresh, clean meals at no cost to the family. 

Unlike some organizations, recipients do not need to prove or disprove income to qualify for meals. Open Arms’ chefs work hand in hand with a team of dieticians and dietetic technicians to ensure every meal matches the needs of the recipient.

Open Farms

Open Arms founded a sustainable farming practice with access to fresh, nutritious, and clean food some may not have access to otherwise. Each of the five Open Farms operates under local farmers and knowledgeable staff who monitor storm runoff, protect soil, maintain safe and healthy agriculture practices, and help the farm with air filtration to benefit the environment.

Open Farms has harvested over 14,000 pounds of vegetables and herbs since its foundation and shows no signs of halting the growing and giving process. 


“Meals are delivered not only to our clients but also to dependents and caregivers. Income is not a qualifier for our services, and we operate on models of abundance, community, & social responsibility,” Open Arms’ website states.


Open Arms recently joined forces with another organization dedicated to helping individuals and those in need of assistance in Minnesota. In May, just in time for Older Americans Month, Securian Financial assisted Open Arms with packaging meals for older people in need of medically tailored meals.

In just two hours, volunteers neatly packaged around 2,000 meals for a week’s worth of food to feed Open Arms’ over 175 recipients. With this non-profit’s graciousness, critically and chronically ill people curb their worries surrounding medical bills and food costs with the gratitude instilled in the community by Rowe’s humanitarian ideals.

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