From the Editor: Winter, What To Do? Lots!
“Winter What To Do” may seem oxymoronic. It’s a thought that’s crossed my mind often. Sure, there are things to do in winter … in December. Then, once New Years has come and gone, nothing. Nothing until St. Patrick’s Day — which usually doesn’t even mark the end of winter.
Then I thought back to childhood, when winter was my favorite season. What’s changed since then? Why don’t I enjoy it anymore?
There are some things out of my control that dampen the mood. Unlike when I was eight, I have to drive in Minnesota winters. My late February birthday each year becomes less of a source of excitement and more of a formality and a reminder of my own mortality (although for now, it remains more the former than the latter). Snow storms no longer bring a day off from school, but instead either force me inside or prompt me to risk my life (or at least my car) to make a grocery run.
Some of those changes, though, are entirely on me. I used to love sledding, snowmen and snowball fights. Are those things childish? Sure, probably. Does that mean they aren’t still fun? I don’t know, I haven’t tried.
I could make hot chocolate! I don’t. Haven’t gone to a holiday light show in ages. I hardly decorate for Christmas, and that should be the easy part of winter to stay busy for.
Admittedly, even getting all of those childhood favorites on the calendar still leaves a lot of time to fill. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. There are so many movies I’ve wanted to watch, books I’ve wanted to read and recipes I’ve wanted to try that I haven’t had time for. Stuck in the house for two months, I might finally have time!
I saved the best for last, though. Minnesota winters are harsh, sure, but they’re harsh every year. We’re prepared for them. And we’ve come up with plenty to do. There are all kinds of fun activities in this year’s Winter What To Do list, complied by the wonderful Linda Raines. I’ll certainly be making use of it — maybe I’ll see you there!
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