From the Editor: What Is “Home”?

Photo by Randy Stern
Photo by Randy Stern

It is a question we often take for granted. Simply put, it is because we run the gamut of the definition of home. Think about who we are: We’re homeowners, renters, sublessors…and, even homeless. 

Why ask this question in our Summer Home and Garden issue? I recall this question through my post-graduate journey that I often look at the answer with mixed feelings. When I was briefly at Hamline University as a graduate student, I took a course the centered on the notion of “home.” This exploration of this subject was presented through several essays, dissected by us to understand the true meaning of each written piece we read every week. 

What did I learn from that course? An individual’s definition of home is probably not the same as their neighbor’s, friend’s, or their family’s. 

If you’re like me, you’ve been looking for a new home. My search was frustrating at best. Not going into details, but it has quite the challenge to find a new home after 14 years at the same address. 

But, I did find a home. I move in on June 1. Now, back to you…

In fact, did you know that we have a proportionate number of renters in our community than homeowners? FreddieMac has some research online that points to our community’s want of home ownership, but we appear to be lagging behind the rest of society. In this issue, we will dive into some of the reasons for it in our story on discrimination against LGBTQ people out in the housing market. 

This goes beyond just the rising cost of real estate. Please take a read if you’re in the market for a new home. 

As for the rest of this issue, we feature FOX 9’s Maury Glover as we show you his home life away from the station and on location. This is our “Maury’s Stories” – featuring Maury himself. 

As for life away from home, this issue talks about the RV Life. The COVID-19 Pandemic saw a rise in sales of RVs, and most owners found them as their solution to the work from home routine. 

Last, but not least, the Minnesota AIDS Walk has returned to its traditional May date. We will tell you what has changed and how it is still relevant to our community. 

This is just a taste of our Summer Home and Garden issue. Make yourself at home – wherever you consider “home” – and read along with us! 

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