Security Blanket: Where Avenues for Youth’s Bed and Bath Needs are Concerned, BOKSER HOME Has Them Covered

Exterior view at dusk of the Brooklyn Avenues for Youth.
Brooklyn Avenues for Youth. Photos courtesy of Sarah Williams

The sun withdraws — he’s seen enough Minnesota for one day.

Western hills cast western shadows over western valleys and cities and lakes … then over eastern valleys and cities and lakes, as well. The sun drags a twinkle-speckled, sky-sized blanket behind him, tucking in the North Star State for the night. Millions of citizens follow suit, nudging the edges of cool sheets around their children and themselves and turning their minds over to the hard-won dreams of the perpetually above average.

Millions of citizens do this … but not all of them do.

This night, as every night, in Minnesota — often unnoticed, or perhaps noticed and ignored — four thousand citizens shuffle dreamlessly from park bench to store doorway to a stranger’s backyard, the stars in the sky remaining agonizingly just out of reach. And the most agonizing part?

These four thousand citizens are kids.

This is where Avenues for Youth come in.

“For thirty years, Avenues has supported youth ages sixteen to twenty-four in Hennepin County,” the shelter’s mission statement reads. “Whether a young person needs a place to stay for just one night, or a year and a half, Avenues partners with youth to find their path out of homelessness.” 

Such a partnership would most likely take shape in one of two primary shelter and transitional living houses in Hennepin County. These sanctuaries “provide shelter and housing options for youth experiencing homelessness, as well as emergency beds and host homes.”

Cozy bedroom at the Avenues for Youth.

The beds have, in recent years, benefited from an unlikely upgrade, according to a recent community partner highlight found on Avenues’ website: “The two houses in Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis got plush new terry-cloth towels and shower mats.” The terry-cloth towels and shower mats were provided by an LGBTQ+-owned bedding store, BOKSER HOME.

“I have known about Avenues for Youth for many years,” says BOKSER HOME Chief Executive Officer Ed Guzek. “When I worked at Target, a number of my colleagues sat on [Target’s] board, and I was always so impressed with Avenues’ work. After starting BOKSER in 2018, it took a few years, but we were finally able to start giving back to the community in 2022.”

Where charitable giving is concerned, BOKSER seems determined to make up for lost time. “Avenues was one of the first organizations we connected with and asked if there was a way for us to help,” Guzek continues. “Since then, we have been donating bedding and bath products — think blankets, sheets, pillows, towels — to all of their locations, and we couldn’t be happier with the partnership.”

Notes Avenues for Youth Executive Director Katherine Meerse, “BOKSER has also shared fun items with youth in Avenues’ LGBTQI+ community housing program, ConneQT, like luxurious faux fur throws for their beds.”

ConneQT is a one-of-a-kind program that addresses the problem of teen displacement in a different way. Explains Meerse, “People in the community who identify as LGBTQIA+ themselves or as allies open up their homes to have a young person experiencing homelessness come and live with them for anywhere from a few nights to up to a year.” 

Such a dependable place to sleep is the first step in “building trusting relationships, and supporting the youth’s education, career, health and wellness and housing goals,” according to Avenues’ mission statement.

Interior shot of the Wellness Room at Avenues for Youth.
Wellness Room

This declaration tucks neatly into BOKSER’s own priorities. “Being involved in our community, whether it be through donations or volunteer hours, is very important to me and the entire team at BOKSER,” Guzek insists. “Supporting the work of organizations like Avenues for Youth makes us a better company and makes the Twin Cities a better community … and that’s why we do what we do.”

That support supplements an often-grossly-depleted, often-overlooked basic need. “One of the most common experiences for a new young person at Avenues is to simply sleep for the first day or two,” Meerse points out. “The experience of homelessness is highly stressful, uncomfortable and often dangerous. This partnership between BOKSER and Avenues provides these youth with space, peace and comfort so they can rest.”

When that rest is over and the sun next rises, thanks to the synergy generated by Avenues for Youth and BOKSER, a homeless youth can finally become acquainted with what was once agonizingly just out of reach. As outlined on their website, “Youth are resilient, inspiring and the drivers of their own journey. With stability, trust and youth-centered supports, their dreams can become reality.”

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