Lavender Magazine Community Pride Award – Matthew Greco

Headshot of Matthew Greco.
Photo courtesy of Matthew Greco

Back in January, the University of Minnesota Dance Team took home their 22nd national title at the College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championships. They did so with a routine set to Aerosmith’s hit “Dream On” that went viral across social media.

What was significant about this championship is the makeup of the Dance Team itself. Out of 24 roster members on the dance team, there is only one male – Matthew Greco.

Greco made a name for himself as not only participating in this championship, but as an out LGBTQ+ male in a sport that is dominated by women. The New Jersey native began dancing at eight years old. “After that, it kind of just took over my life and I realized that this was something that I wanted to pursue,” explained Greco.

As a Sophomore at the University of Minnesota’s Twin Cities campus, Greco is now living his dream. While it not common to see male dancers on collegiate Dance teams, Greco has found a place at the University of Minnesota. “The University of Minnesota has a very inclusive environment, so it’s really easy to find myself being myself on campus and I don’t really feel like pressured in any way to kind of change who I am,” said Greco.

When Greco was informed of his honor, he stated that he was “super excited. It’s really an honor…just get more recognition out there for male dancers. Because, seriously, it is like times are changing for male dancers and it really makes me happy to see that and it makes me proud to be a part of that.”

For representing our next generation by living his dream, Lavender Magazine congratulates Matthew Greco for their Community Pride Award this year.

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