A Day In The Life: Josh Kelly

Photos courtesy of Josh Kelly
Photos courtesy of Josh Kelly

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a small little town in Northwestern New Mexico. Aztec was known for 5,000 people and Anasazi ruins. It was the only conservative county in New Mexico.

Where do you live?
I live in Northeast Minneapolis. My partner and I purchased our home over the summer and love it.

Who do you live with?
I live with my partner, Mike Welton. Mike is a local artist who has a studio in the Northrup King Building. Mike and I have been a couple for almost 4 years now.

What is your occupation?
I am a REALTOR® with Edina Realty out of the Downtown Minneapolis office. I also spend my free time wood working; making artistic projects and practical objects for my select clientele.

When did you come out?
I came out young. I was 18 or 19.

How’d that go?
My little corner of NM was like going back in time 20 years. It was not the most comfortable experience, yet I couldn’t hide who I was any longer. It was a scary time, and my mom told the whole family I was sinning against god and choosing to go to hell. So, I left and was homeless in LA for 3 months while I tried to figure out who I really was.

When do you wake up?
I usually wake up sometime between 5:30 and 6:30 every day regardless of when I go to sleep.

Phone alarm or old school alarm?
I don’t use an alarm clock. I just wake up early naturally. If I have to wake up before 6; then I will use my phone to make sure.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
The first thing I do in the morning is to go downstairs and make a cup of coffee. Then I take our dog Zelda outside to relieve herself.

I eat a good breakfast every day after doing my morning yoga. Sometimes it is a bowl of fruit, other times it is a pop tart or peanut butter toast.

Yup, I am a coffee guy. I try to keep it to two cups a day now, unless I am on vacation.

Cream or no?
Just a touch of cream. I will drink my coffee black if I need to, but I prefer the cream.

How do you spend your commute?
I listen to my random Pandora play list or KXXR. Music relaxes me.

What do you nerd out for (gaming, music, history, etc.)?
I don’t think I nerd out like most people do. I can nerd out about certain books, but what really gets my blood pumping is wood working, cooking, & beer. I guess you could say I nerd out about that.

What music have you been digging lately?
I have a diverse taste in music. It is all over the place. I couldn’t say I am digging any one particular band or style. But if it makes me happy, I dig it.

Is your work space tidy or a hot mess?
I am really tidy with my real estate work and completely different in the wood shop. In the wood shop it will look like a 4-year-old was given a Red Bull and let loose. I tidy up the wood shop every now and then.

What’s been your favorite job?
Working in real estate and wood working. This is my dream. I get to help people with the scariest, largest purchase of their life. It is very fulfilling. And with my woodwork I make people happy in another way. Sometimes it is whimsical delight, curiosity, or making them what they want.

Favorite weeknight meal: Go out, take out, or cook in?
My go-to weeknight comfort meal would be Chinese takeout. Nothing beats it, hands down. When I am sick, I want Chinese takeout. I have a bad day, Chinese takeout. After a busy day nothing satisfies me quite like a good Chinese takeout.

On a usual weeknight, you are doing what?
It depends on the day. Sometimes we cook dinner and watch something together and certain days of the week we meet with friends for beer and have dinner. But 70% of the time, we cook, relax, and watch something together.

I am too young to feel this old. Usually, we are in bed a little after 9 and asleep between 9:30 or 10:30. It depends on how long we hold hands and talk.

Favorite weekend activity?
My favorite weekend activity varies on weather and season. Sometimes I love to cook a great meal from scratch with a homemade tasty desert. Sometimes it is visiting a good or new brewery and visiting a good or new restaurant.

What are you most proud of, and why?
Selling my first home. I have done many things and lived all over the US. Nothing compares to me selling my first home. That is when I knew I really could live my dream life selling real estate and wood working.

Words of wisdom to share:
Forgive yourself. Apologize honestly. Try new things. These 3 key steps have helped me to find happiness, chase my dreams, and build a strong relationship with my partner and close friends.

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