A Day In The Life: Darren Terpstra

Darren Terpstra. Photo by Andrew Sonnek
Darren Terpstra. Photo by Andrew Sonnek

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in central Minnesota in a small rural farming community. We raised hogs. Do you know what it was like getting on the school bus in the morning when the wind was from the wrong direction? Ugh – childhood nightmare! lol

Where do you live?

Although I’ve lived in several places, I call Minneapolis home as I’ve been here for almost 30 years now.

Who do you live with?

I was in a relationship for almost 15 years, but now, it’s just me and my racing thoughts!

What is your occupation?

I work as an art director/exhibit designer for a large university in town, and for additional income and creative freedom, I do fine art on the side. If you want to check it out, you can see some work at www.darrenterpstra.com

When did you come out?

In my mind…probably at about 5 years old. In real life, I think I finally started the process by telling a lesbian friend my senior year of college. As much as I’d like to think it wasn’t that long ago, turns out its been a couple of decades now.

How’d that go?

Hummm…it’s probably as different as it is the same as so many. My lesbian pal had recently come out herself. We were both in leadership for the college group “Christians in Action.” So, as you could imagine, there were a lot of voices that can make the whole process confusing and shaming. However, most of the people back then were actually very supportive. Not to mention I was involved in the theater department as well, and of course the artists and bohemians, as it were, had open arms with full support!

When do you wake up?

I suppose it’s around 7 to 7:30. Although I don’t set an alarm and play wake-up roulette. lol

Phone alarm or old school alarm?

If it’s really important, I use my phone. (I only recently disposed of my old school alarm!)

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Typically, make breakfast. When we grew up on the farm, if you didn’t eat a good breakfast, you’d want to start eating your own limbs because you got so hungry while doing chores. I guess that habit stuck, at least it’s a good habit.

Breakfast? See above….


No! I know that sounds strange to most these days, but I’m overly sensitive to caffeine. I start feeling like I need an EKG if I have it. : (

Photo by Andrew Sonnek

Cream or no?

When I occasionally have decaf…then I do cream, sugar, all the stuff!

How do you spend your commute?

Sometimes in my pajamas, on days I work from home of course, otherwise I like the KS95 Morning show. Those folks are so funny!

What do you nerd out for (gaming, music, history, etc.)?

Good design, theme parks and art. And with most of that, it’s the behind-the-scenes glimpse at how things are made, created and conceived.

What music have you been digging lately?

Just saw Betty Who at First Avenue, super fun. Harry Styles, and to be completely honest, I’ve been really amazed at how Taylor Swift has grown and matured in her song writing depth and singing. So, does that mean I’m a Swiftie? (Shoulder shrug emoji).

Is your workspace tidy or a hot mess?

It goes through cycles. When I’m busy creating, it’s a mess. I need to see everything laying out so when I want or need it, it’s at an arm’s reach. I’m very visually motivated that way. However, I hate clutter. So, after a project wraps, I usually spend time cleaning and organizing. My home though…is neat!

What’s been your favorite job?

Well, I loved working for Disney World. Almost every winter I revisit why I ever left! However, my current position has provided longevity, stability, and a great deal of creative freedom.

Favorite weeknight meal?

Go out, take out, or cook in? Geez, I cook in a lot. Maybe when I make a curry? Love the flavors. Really, I just love food…I eat anything.

On a usual weeknight, you are doing what?

Either working on art, or relaxing with friends/Netflix.


Early, I seem to burn through a lot of energy during the day, and I hate to be tired. So, 9:30 or 10.

Favorite weekend activity?

Honestly, I have some great friends and family, so when we hang out it’s usually a fun time, whether it’s some big adventure or just chilling in the backyard.

What are you most proud of, and why?

Surviving childhood! Beyond that, I suppose living overseas, and getting up enough gumption to believe in myself and my artistic pursuits. Including trusting my own voice and creating my own art. It’s been very grounding and freeing. I also better understand my worth as a result. Some people never hear that they have value from others, or are able to see it in themselves, and it breaks my heart. It’s so important to learn to love yourself…and trust your abilities.

Words of wisdom to share:

I have come to accept the idea that there was never any promise that life would be fair. While life can be very wonderful, it can also be very random. Bad things can happen to good people and visa versa. So instead of channeling any more anger, disappointment or frustration toward things I can’t change, I needed to start channeling my energy toward a solution. This helped me begin to find more joy and more happiness on my journey.  And, when those difficult times come, don’t be afraid to reach out to your community and ask for help!  Hopefully you’ll be able to maintain an upbeat outlook as you journey forward and make the most of this messy thing called life. Travel well, friends.

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