A Day In The Life: D Rojas
Where did you grow up?
Northside Minneapolis, MN
Where do you live?
Southside Minneapolis, MN Powderhorn Park neighborhood.
Who do you live with?
Just me.
What is your occupation?
Carpenter – 37 years NSCRCC Union Local #322
When did you come out?
3rd grade; liked a classmate.
How’d that go?
Didn’t have any issue since I was a Tomboy and athletic and tough, LOL.
When do you wake up?
4-4:30am, since 1986, Sat/Sun bon fire at 5-7am! Body doesn’t know it’s a weekend.
Phone alarm or old school alarm?
Old school, but naturally up way before 5am, that’s the latest I can sleep.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Stretch my extremities.
Coffee/bagel/or oatmeal.
5 am on the way to work! 5 pm IF I’m off work in time before Mayday Cafe closes at 6pm 😉
Cream or no?
How do you spend your commute?
Tina and The B-Sides – CD Baricade or radio.
What do you nerd out for (gaming, music, history, etc.)?
Tina and The B-Sides concerts.
What music have you been digging lately?
Tina and The B-Sides. CD Barricade & Powwow music.
Is your work space tidy or a hot mess?
Hot mess and working with all men on a construction jobsite.
What’s been your favorite job?
Union Carpenter 37 years, 28 years on highway bridges; REBUILD 35W Bridge.
Favorite weeknight meal?
Mexican Tacos/Tamale/beans Tortillas. Meatloaf.
On a usual weeknight, you are doing what?
Working till 7 pm or playing softball if off before 7pm, lol! Practicing for the MN Senior games! Bowling/Shuffleboard/Cornhole!
10 pm watch the news before falling asleep by 11 pm-midnight, before that internal clock goes off at 4 am!
Favorite weekend activity?
Softball & Motorcycle riding. The Aliveness Project bar bingo!
What are you most proud of, and why?
NCSRCC – Union Carpenter LU #322 37 years, Being a Women & POC in a non-traditional workspace and surviving the male stigma all that time and STILL working and LOVING it! Ashley Rukes Pride Parade been leading the TC pride parade since the early ‘80s. DykesonbikesMPLS – President or the Minneapolis, MN Chapter.
Words of wisdom to share:
Keep moving forward no matter what obstacles that are placed in front of you!
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